You know it all too well-
that unending winter gloom, so cold and dreary-
How we long for that first beautiful spring day,
to sit without a care in the world,
basking in the warmth of the sun,
the sheer radiance of the sun in the wide open sky
instantly remedies all of our restlessness and discontent.
But alas, that day comes and we have to work,
resigned to take an occasional glance through building windows.
Others rave of its greatness, and though we know it is right there,
We are unable to experience and enjoy it ourselves,
left to hope we can enjoy it the next time around.
You know it all too well-
this ordinary mind with its gloom, anxiety and restlessness-
How we long to rest in the nature of mind, our innate buddhanature,
freeing our minds from ruminating on the past or projecting into the future,
we can sit without a care in the world,
basking in the warmth of bodhicitta,
the sheer radiance of compassion in the expanse of awareness
instantly remedies all of our restlessness and discontent.
But alas, even when we catch a glimpse of our own nature,
we think we have to do something else,
resigned to our thoughts and emotions we hope to steal an occasional glance,
we hear others rave about its greatness, and we know it is right there,
but we are unable to experience and enjoy it ourselves.
That is why we practice,
because hoping to discover your natural freedom is not enough.
Time to go sit in the sun.