Thursday, March 19, 2020

Distancing yourself.

You've followed the advice of self-distancing. You have your store of rations for another week or so. You are working from home, homeschooling, calling your friends and family from afar.

Now you are stuck with these thoughts and emotions that consume your attention.

The impulse to check the news is compelling. What are the new numbers? What is the latest advisory? What are those common symptoms again?

These thoughts are all-consuming and when we are full we are left with an unsettled feeling. Know that it is perfectly normal to have these thoughts and emotions, but that we don't need to give them all of our attention. Just like an annoying coworker, we need to continue to work with them day in and day out, but we don't need to give them all of our attention.

I've found my daily practice an undeceiving refuge in these times. Retreat from the headlines. Isolate yourself from the all consuming thoughts and the attendant anxiety.

Just sit. Connect with the natural peacefulness of the present, even amidst all the tumult.

If you cannot simply rest in equanimity, it is helpful to have something to do. I've been practicing the Iron Hook of Compassion every day. Singing the melody and mantra have a way of opening up the heart and throat at a time when it is easy to shut down and close ourselves off. Afterwards, rest in a sense of openness and ease for as long as you can.

Build these moments into your day. As many as you need. Learning to be present when you are alone is a great gift to yourself during times such as these.

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