Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Householder Upasaka tradition.

The face of Buddhism is often recognized by serene monks and nuns wearing red or saffron robes, but this isn't the whole story of the path that the Buddha laid out.

During the time of the Buddha's life, he taught both lay householders, or upasaka, as well as monks and nuns. Both were collectively referred to as the arya-sangha, not just the monks and nuns. The term 'upasaka' means 'practitioner of virtue', or  'one who contributes'. The upasaka (female upasika) were prominently featured in the many sutras of the Buddha and were among his main disciples, including Anathapindika, Visakha, King Pasenadi, King Bimbisara, and Doctor Jivaka.

The upasaka or householder became known the 'white robed sangha', for much like our white collar professionals they were of various classes and were engaged in the world in various ways. The upasaka was a person committed to their practice, they were not just culturally Buddhist or a non-monastic. The Buddha mentioned specific qualities that characterized an upasaka, those being taking refuge in the Three Jewels, observing ethical precepts, frequenting teachings to hear and contemplate the dharma, observing additional vows on sojong days, making offerings to the Three Jewels, and contributing to the dharma.1

There are four types of upasaka based on their observance of vows.

1. Refuge Upasaka- takes refuge in the Three Jewels but does not observe any of the five lay vows.
2. Single Precept Upasaka- in addition to refuge observes one of the lay vows for life (the five lay vows of not killing, not stealing, not lying, avoiding intoxicants, abandoning sexual misconduct)
3. Several Precept Upasaka- in addition to refuge holds several of the lay vows
4. Complete Upasaka- in addition to refuge holds all five of the lay vows

Regardless of your commitment to observing vows of conduct, you are able to progress along the four stages of enlightenment until you take the bodhisattva vow and enter the Mahayana path.

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