Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Practice of the path.

First, we are introduced to the nature of mind, our intrinsic buddhanature, which is unceasing luminous emptiness. 

Because we have not recognized its empty nature, we conceive of a self. 
Not recognizing the luminous clarity aspect, we reify appearances. 
Not recognizing the unceasing quality of the nature of mind, we get caught up in all that appears and exists. 

All of these obscurations- thoughts, emotions, karma, habitual tendencies- are merely adventitious stains without any inherent existence. Knowing these to be adventitious and impermanent without an underlying basis, we can confidently engage in the path to eliminate and purify them. With confidence in the ground continuum, we can engage in the path.

Understanding the abiding nature of the mind, our practice gives us something to work with in order to attain the result. 

Friday, April 22, 2016


We don't wander because we are lost.
We wander because we are searching.

For connection.
For meaning, love, something human.

We search for something we don't have, or don't recognize.  So we roam about, different groups, settings, countries.  We wander in search of connection.

The root of wandering lies in loneliness.  The root of loneliness, love. 

Hold on a moment.

You can also wander out of curiosity.

In search of truth, knowledge, certainty.

Uncertainty propels us forward, keeps us searching on the path.

So why do we wander in and out of various mental states throughout the day, is it because of curiosity or love?


Monday, April 18, 2016

The nature of mind.

The nature of mind is unceasing luminous emptiness.

Not recognizing its empty aspect, we reify the perceiving self.
Not recognizing the luminous aspect, we reify appearances.
Not recognizing its unceasing quality, we get caught up in all that appears and exists.

We have strayed and spend our days caught up in the unceasing web of duality. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Tsa Lung Workshop

Tsa Lung Workshop
April 24 - May 15, 2016
Join us for a 4 week online workshop focusing on the practice and fundamentals of Tsa Lung. This course will give you confidence in the practice of Tsa Lung, provide the foundational knowledge necessary to understand the practice, and allow you to understand how the practice of Tsa Lung transitions to the Completion Stage yogas.
This course is designed for students who are new to the practice, experienced students who are engaged in tantric practice and everyone attending the annual summer Dzogchen retreat.  This course is designed to be dynamic, unfolding out of the interactions between the session leaders and the students. 
The course will take place using Canvas, a web platform created for learning.  There will be instructional videos on how to do the practice, weekly readings, online course materials and a weekly video conference allowing students to ask questions and go over the practice essentials. 
Required Materials: Profound Inner Principles by the Third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje

Cost: $30
Within a couple days of registering you will be sent an invitation to the course.
Log in and check out the course syllabus, the online materials and recommended materials. Take a look at the weekly assignments and the course schedule. Check in on the discussion page and introduce yourself. Each week on Sunday at 6pm CST we will be having a Zoom video conference to discuss the material.  The first video conference is on Sunday April 24.

This is the first of many courses that we are going to be offering.  One of the principal goals of the Younge Drodul Ling Sangha is to create an environment that is supportive for your practice; fostering discussion and further inquiry into the teachings.  Our intention is to create a learning program rooted in the Rime tradition, following the example of our teacher, Younge Khachab Rinpoche. The forthcoming courses will challenge you to apply the teachings to your practice and your path. These courses are designed to clear away your doubts about the practice, confusion about the path, and allow you to see that the result is attainable in this life.
Check out some of the other Courses coming soon.

Monday, April 4, 2016

What do we leave for posterity?

Some stories, stuff made, a few worthy possessions. 
We leave a few gems, a few things worth holding onto.
We leave memories, and pictures, and special recipes no one else had.

Mostly we leave the impact of love.
It's love that impacts people's lives, that changes them.
It's love that makes the stories meaningful,
that makes the possessions valuable.  

Love compels us to seek out the stories,
to rummage through the pile,
to hold on.

Love is our last testament.